Hybrid American Marigolds’ range from dwarf, semi dwarf to tall cut flower types and are bred and to withstand diseases and the extreme heat of tropical and sub-tropical climates.
Vinca “Mega Bloom”® is the largest flowered Vinca F1 from seed. Vinca “Mega Flow”® is the most outstanding F1 Trailing Vinca. Both varieties produce early blooms with extra-large flowers.
Petunia “Hotunia Radiance”® is the only mounding/spreading Petunia F1 to be bred and produced under tropical, short day climatic conditions. It has a mounting habit with extreme heat and disease tolerance.
Heat loving Zinnia “Holi”® keeps producing fresh, vibrant, blossoms all season long. The Mounding plants make stunning displays in a mass landscape plantings.
Ornamental vegetables and Herbs are a major ingredient of oriental, family home cooking and are becoming and important vegetable market item for customers who are looking for smaller portions with less wastage.
They provide enhanced taste, have health benefits, and provide a striking visual effect.